I've been having an internal debate. I really want to help the Winnipeg community through it's non-profits, but I have limited time and resources so I feel I should just pick one. Should I scrounge up some money to give to Siloam Mission or the Humane Society? Maybe find some time for Osborne House or Alpha House ? Perhaps I should just head to the store and pick up some non-perishables for Winnipeg Harvest?
Last night was the 19th annual fundraiser dinner for Alpha House. It was here that I realized that where I put my efforts really doesn't matter that much. Let me explain.
A woman wants to leave an abusive partner, but she has a dog and is afraid her partner will hurt or kill the dog, or she just can't bear to part with her friend. So she just doesn't leave. Or, a shelter such as Osborne House contacts the Humane Society to put the dog in foster care until the woman has a stable home.
When it's time for that woman to leave the shelter, there are a few options for her. If she goes out on her own, not receiving counseling or support to help her live an independent and healthy lifestyle, she could end up on the street. Shelters like Siloam Mission might give her a bed, clothing, medical care, and food.
Women leaving shelters can apply to enter second-stage housing, such as that that Alpha House provides. Alpha House gives women and their children counseling and support to help them heal. It also gives them an apartment with kitchens full of food - food that Winnipeg Harvest has donated.
Winnipeg's charitable organizations are connected and complement one another. Instead of sitting around contemplating which group most needs my efforts, I should just get out there and start helping.
Looking for an easy way to help out a charity? Start using Goodsearch as your search engine. Every single search raised $0.01 for the charity of your choice - it doesn't sound like much, but trust me, it adds up.
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