Sunday, September 23, 2012

Vegans and Booze

Here's something not all beginner vegans think of - not all booze is vegan!  It's a sad day when you realize that your favourite beer has animal products in it.

(A quick side note here, it's not that vegans CAN'T have certain things.  I could very well pick up a bacon cheese burger and chow it down.  Nothing is preventing me from doing this.  I simply don't want to.  When I learn something I love contains animal products I am disappointed, but my desire to consume whatever the product is disappears.)

That said, it is important to know what is and isn't vegan.  Alcohol is particularly difficult as bottles don't list ingredients.  Often websites do not either so you have to contact the company directly.

Lucky for us someone is compiling all the responses we get into one big handy list.

Thanks Barnivore!

                                                                               (In photo - Granville Island False Creek Raspberry Ale)

1 comment:

  1. Not all manufacturers are forthcoming about what they put into their products.
