Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cream of Mushroom Soup and Tomato Soup

There's nothing I want more on a cool evening or when I'm curled up sick in bed than a thick bowl of soup.  Unfortunately, the vegan store brand options are way too much money for me and generally packaged in cans.  I try to not eat anything out of cans because it's really unhealt  And so, I am always on the hunt for simple and tasty soup recipes and I whip up in a flash when I'm feeling tired or ill.

This past week, I stumbled upon two fabulous recipes!  The first was for cream of mushroom soup.

Though this soup takes a long time to cook, there's hardly any work invovled for the cook!  I love pureed soup, but hate the actual process of pureeing hot soup and cleaning up after.  For this cream of mushroom soup I just chopped everything up fairly small and didn't wish once while eating that I'd tossed it in the food processor before eating.

To save money and energy I usualy make my own broth using vegetables I need to cook anyways.  This time, I decided I would whip up some tomato soup for a friend.  And guess what?  I stumbled upon a fast, simple, and delicious recipe!

Pureeing the roasted tomatoes opposed to an entire pot of cooked soup was a lot easier and the water from cooking the corn worked great as broth for my mushroom soup.  I would highly recommend adding a bit extra garlic to this tomato soup recipe and slurping it down if you're starting to feel sick.

Now I just need to hunt down a good vegan "chicken" noodle soup recipe and I'm all set to face another cold, Winnipeg winter.

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